Getting Started


The software can be installed in different ways, depending on your taste:

Cargo Install

You can install it directly from using cargo:

cargo install brainfoamkit

Cargo Binaries

You can also use the excellent cargo-binstall tool to install the binaries directly from the repository:

cargo install cargo-binstall
cargo binstall brainfoamkit

Manual Installation

You can also install the binaries manually by downloading the appropriate binaries from the releases page and placing them in your $PATH.



bfkrun is the main binary that can be used to run programs written in either BF or BFK dialects.

bfkrun accepts both strings and files as input.

# Use a direct input string
bfkrun --input "+[-->-[>>+>-----<<]<--<---]>-.>>>+.>>..+++[.>]<<<<.+++.------.<<-.>>>>+."

#> Hello, World!
# Use a file as input

# Create a file with the program
echo "+[-->-[>>+>-----<<]<--<---]>-.>>>+.>>..+++[.>]<<<<.+++.------.<<-.>>>>+." >

# Run the program
bfkrun --file

#> Hello, World!


bfkview is a TUI application with a (hopefully) intutive interface that lets you step through BF[K] programs.

Detailed instructions coming soon.